
Top Financial Magazines In India

Financial Magazines are a great source of knowledge and information for all.  If you want to stay updated on the latest happenings and developments on the financial trends and also get an insight on businesses, funds and economy in general, these magazines can be very helpful.  The risks arising from investments are typically dependent on how markets and global economy, in general, is behaving and hence a holistic knowledge on how businesses are impacted due to global factors will help one understand how different investment options work.

Anyone wanting to know about Investments, its types, when-how & what to do, subscription of these magazines will be beneficial.


Financial Magazines in India

  • Outlook Money–  Zooming out to wide-ranging subjects like investments, insurance, financial planning to taxes, loans and retirement plans, this magazine captures the reader’s mind with its simplicity yet informative approach. It’s a fortnightly issue and has been in the market since 1989. It also has staff writers sections, where reader’s queries are answered along with the review section on books and blogs. The best part of this magazine could be the way it compares various options available for personal finance and financial planning for its readers. For instance, it releases annual ranking for various Mutual funds and Stocks. Their staff writers also write recommendations and tips on personal finance options, mutual funds and stocks. This magazine might be a good choice for anyone starting out on learning personal finance.


  • Money Today–  Money today is an extensive source of financial knowledge. The salient feature of this magazine is that it gives the financial implication of various happenings around the globe, the material and content is rather exhaustive compared to the crisp content of Outlook Money. Like Outlook Money it covers multiple topics from investment to taxation. The magazine also features Q&A section, careers, reviews of books and consumer durables. The magazine is monthly; hence it ensures that readers grasp the content of the previous issue before the next issue hits their doorstep.


  • Money Life–  It won’t be wrong to say that Money Life is largely a Personal Finance Magazine. The magazine’s start and the story of its Managing Director also tell the same Saga. Sucheta Dalal started Money Life to remove the Financial Illiteracy in India, she has been writing for 25 years and was conferred the Padma Shri award for her contribution to financial journalism in 2006. The magazine has dedicated a section for the review of stocks and mutual funds. Also, they release an annual analysis of various Stocks and Mutual Funds. The magazine although lacks on Q&A section. The magazine is a fortnightly issue and is an asset for those who are both learners and experts of stock trading.


  • Forbes India – Forbes India is might not belong to this list but this fortnightly magazine covers several topics that none of the traditional Financial Magazine covers. The best part of Forbes India is that it is more like a motivational magazine, giving ideas and dreams to businesses and individuals. Forbes India provides a variety that financial Magazines sometimes lack. It’s always better that if you have just started learning Personal Finance and Financial Market, have a set of Financial Magazines accompanied with general magazine like Forbes. It’s the happenings in the world which cause the twists and turns in Financial Market and Forbes India might prove to be the best source for such pieces.


  • Business Today – Business today is important and holds a place in this list because it is the most read business magazine in India and its popularity can be traced to the fact that it has a readership of more than 2.9 Lakh per month. The magazine was published in the year 1992 and presently has a very diverse readership. The magazine is fortnightly and covers the topics ranging from Economy, Market, Industry, etc. The best feature of the magazine is its transparent approach to any complicated business issue. Such perceptions and transparency shape the mind of the reader to segregate the matter rationally.


Whatever your pick is, these magazines will only add on to widen your horizon. Let us know if the article was helpful by liking or subscribing to our page.

Also read: Best way to Invest money short term.

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